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作者:J.S.Rumsfeld 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/11/17 15:18:01 关键字:心血管注册研究 大型数据分析 J.S.Rumsfeld教授 

  <International circulation>: Dr Rumsfeld, confounding a large scale epidemiology study can be problematic.  How do you minimize confounding in large data set analyses?

  Dr Rumsfeld  :  Well this can be a very long answer but to keep it somewhat shorter, first is very important, it is very important to have a carefully phrased clinical study aim or question with a hypothesis you are trying to test.  That is if you go into large scale databases and just start looking for statistical associations, you will find them and you will not know if they are true or due to confounding as the answer.  It is much better to approach these analyses with a pre-formed study aim and hypothesis.  Second of all we do use advanced statistical methods, certainly risk adjustment.  We do a lot of stratification to looking into sub groups of patients and more and more we do things such as propensity matching to try to balance the characteristics between the two groups you are comparing.  At the end of the day though, I think it is widely known that while these things do help, there could still be unmeasured confounding.  We can never be sure in an observational study of a casual relationship.  Ultimately observational studies are very good to look at patient safety problems and they are very good for hypothesis generation but as a rule if possible, you should prove those hypotheses in subsequent clinical trials. 


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