<International Circultion>: Dr Jessup, what do you think is the most important factor for the prevention of woman’s cardiovaculr disase?
《国际循环》:Dr Jessup,您认为预防女性心血管疾病最关键的因素是什么? Dr Jessup: So I think although women tend to present with cardiovascular disease later in life than men, there is no reason to think that the traditional preventative factors are any different between men and women and so women in particular need to focus more on exercise as exercise has been a potent preventative tool in women, a little bit more actually than men, and they need to absolutely not smoke and they need to reduce their salt intake and their overall caloric intake, and make sure their blood pressure is really under control. Women tend to report their symptoms less often, they tend to delay in care, and we need to really get women to understand that they are as high a risk for heart disease as men and that it is the number one killer of women all over the world.
Dr Jessup:虽然女性患心血管疾病的年龄要晚于男性,但没理由认为传统的预防因素在男性和女性中存在差异。因此女性特别要注意运动,因为运动是一个有效预防女性心血管疾病的措施,而且事实上要比男性的效果要好;而且女性绝对不能吸烟,要减少盐的摄入量和所有热量的摄入,确保血压真正得到控制。女性倾向于较少表达疾病的症状,也倾向于延迟疾病的治疗,因此我们需要让女性明白她们和男性一样都是心血管疾病的高危人群,是导致全世界女性死亡的杀手之一。
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