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 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/16 19:22:40 关键字:TRACER研究  急性冠脉综合征 Robert A. Harrington 

    Robert A. Harrington  美国杜克临床研究所主任

    <International Circulation>: As the Vice-Chairman, what is the goal of this 2011 AHA Meeting’s Scientific Sessions and what does the Committee do to achieve this goal?
  《国际循环》:您是本届大会的副主席,请问AHA 2011科学大会的主旨是什么?组委会为实现这一目标做了哪些准备工作?
    Prof.Harrington: The AHA Scientific Sessions are really intended to be a showcase for the best cardiovascular science from around the globe. It really is the only one of the major cardiovascular meetings that has such a broad mandate to cover everything from very early basic discovery science up through clinical science and ultimately to population health. The goal of the Planning Committee for the Annual Scientific Sessions is to get a group of experts who really can span that spectrum of science from discovery science to population health and I would like to be very positive about this and say that we have achieved that goal. We have a tremendous lineup of science for the next several days from people who will be discussing some of the latest findings in the basic science arena; people who will be talking about how to translate that basic science into clinical medicine; and people who will be thinking about the issues of population health and implementation science. It’s a fantastic lineup for the next few days.
    Harrington教授: AHA科学大会旨在展示全球最高水平的心血管科技进展,也是唯一全面覆盖基础前沿科技到临床科学再到最终落实于人群健康的心血管学术大会。每年科学大会的计划委员会,其主要工作目的就是召集从事上述领域研究并积极参与大会筹备的专家组。在大会期间将有规模庞大的专家团队探讨基础研究的最新发现、如何将基础研究转化为临床医疗、以及人群健康的热点话题。

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