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[AHA2013]双联抗血小板治疗的应用和患者选择——Duane Pinto博士专访

作者:D.Pinto 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2013/11/20 19:19:02 关键字:联抗血小板治疗 药物洗脱支架 心房颤动 PCI 

  Duane Pinto博士 哈佛医学院波士顿贝斯以色列女执事医疗中心

  <International Circulation>: Regarding dual antiplatelet therapy, when talking about patients using second-generation drug-eluding stents, is there sufficient evidence to promote the application of short-term dual antiplatelet therapy versus long-term antiplatelet therapy?

  Dr. Pinto: I think there is accumulating evidence to support this practice. We’ve had numerous randomized trials as well as registry comparisons that have shown at least equivalent outcomes compared with longer duration therapy, and (this) longer duration therapy may be associated with increased risk of bleeding. Now I think before we have an unrestrained approach to short duration of dual antiplatelet therapy, I think we have to recognize that protocol-mandated discontinuation is different from discontinuation for cause. For example, a patient has bleeding or needs surgery.

  In an all-comers population, where there may be more complex stenting, I’m not sure that we have sufficient evidence to apply this uniformly. I would be cautiously optimistic. The trials, by virtue of the infrequent nature of stent thrombosis, are somewhat underpowered to detect small differences. So I think we have enough information in selected cases where we have to do it, but remember, that was the FDA guideline from the beginning. 12 months of therapy if the person is at acceptable bleeding risk so for a person who is thought to be at high bleeding risk or is having a bleeding complication, I think we can feel more comfortable that our stent is not going to thrombus with the newer generation stents. Certainly the newer generation stents are better than the first generation.



  <International Circulation>:So what about patient selection, those candidates for this therapy, who would be ideal for short-term therapy?

  Dr. Pinto: Next generation stents, short–focal lesions in a person who’s at high bleeding risk. For example, patients on anti-coagulation for atrial fibrillation, where we may not want triple therapy and such, we can consider those patients. I think you want to have a very effective outcome in a patient where you are “on balance” worried about dual anti-platelet therapy and the risk of complications.



  <International Circulation>:Same-day discharge post-PCI can reduce health care costs. How can we apply this in clinical practice and make it a viable option?

  Dr. Pinto: You’re right to point out that you use fewer resources with same-day discharge. Those are primarily hospital resources (nurses time, overhead and such). As for reimbursement for outpatient procedures, it is much lower compared to inpatient and most PCIs are outpatient. We have to be able to use our margin most effectively. That means having the resources committed to a same day program so the patients are safe and supported. This involves being able to teach them about their procedure prior to their discharge, having the ability to come back rapidly if necessary, and to observe the patient for 4-6 hours (majority of complications occur during this window of time). Similarly, it’s not enough to just discharge patients same day, because the opportunity is created now to do something else with those hospital beds. If you don’t do something else with those hospital beds, you’re not realizing any benefit. The only thing you’ve saved is an extra meal tray that night. Repurposing those beds, either by closing them or other inpatient stays to realize a financial benefit. Otherwise, it’s an additional cost.




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