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[AHA2010]有效降低危险因素,促进心血管健康——K. C. Ferdinand教授专访

作者:K.C.Ferdinand教授 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/11/17 15:18:01 关键字:社区健康促进 生活方式 健康教育 防治指南 K. C. Ferdinand教授 

  <International Circulation>:  In addressing a Chinese audience, many of those points you have made are certainly part of the Chinese lifestyle. What would be your recommendations for actually implementing those?


  Dr Ferdinand: I believe the amount of salt in processed food is one of the first steps the Chinese population can embrace. I have been to China and have been to some rural areas and a lot of their food is prepared with a high salt intake. While the Chinese, and even the Japanese, have lower rates of coronary heart disease related to atherosclerosis, the rates of hypertension are actually somewhat high, and the rates of stroke are disproportionate. Stroke and hypertension can be better predicted by salt levels in food. A lot of that is acculturated taste meaning that a person gets used to eating a lot of sodium. If the population learns how to prepare food with less sodium, the food does become more palatable after a while and the person can adjust their food intake with lower processed sodium. Beyond the food, smoking needs to be addressed. Clearly the rate of smoking in China is higher than that in the United States because the United States has recognized that smoking is the number one preventable cause of heart disease. Preventable means that if you don’t smoke, it’s a risk factor you don’t have. It is even more difficult to change the amount of sodium and fats in our food than it is to change smoking habits. If you stop smoking then you completely remove that risk factor as the risk of smoking returns to baseline in about three to four years. It is something that can be changed. It can affect heart disease rates and it can be changed quite quickly. It also affects peripheral arterial disease which is disease showing signs in the legs and that is also increased with smoking. There are a lot of reasons not to smoke, in addition to certain cancers (lung cancer, cancers of the nasopharanyx, mouth and throat), but heart disease is one of the main ones.


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