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[AHA2011]指南解读与调脂治疗进展——Neil Stone 教授专访

作者:N.Stone 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/17 14:48:34 关键字:血脂指南 ATP4 JNC8 LDL-C HDL-C 

    Neil Stone  美国芝加哥西北大学医学院
    <International Circulation>: The emphasis now in ATP4 and JNC8 is on evidence. Obviously evidence-based guidelines lead to better medicine but do you really feel they lead to better implementation? Isn’t the key point whether guidelines are actually used or not?


    Prof. Stone: The real strength of this process is that we have the panel in place to study implementation, so implementation will not be an afterthought. There has been an ongoing interest in how we can best implement what the guidelines eventually recommend. That is going to be the real strength of this process.

    Stone教授: 此过程的真正关键在于我们拥有专门的研究小组以贯彻执行指南,因此,指南的实施并不是事后诸葛。关于我们如何最好、最充分地贯彻执行指南最终所推荐的建议,人们一直兴趣不减。这将是这一过程的真正推动力。

    <International Circulation>: There have been some delays in the guidelines coming out.


    Prof. Stone:  The delay was in a great part because of how long it takes to do such a strict evidence-based process. This is how you create a foundation which should make future revisions to the guidelines a lot easier to update but at some stage this very detailed process had to be started and that was a difficult task for our committee.

    Stone教授:  这种延迟很大一部分是因为需要多长时间来进行严格的实践纠正过程。这也是你如何为将来的指南更容易地进行修正以使其更完善建立基础,在此阶段,已经开始一个非常详尽的过程,这对于我们委员会来说也是一项很困难的工作。

    <International Circulation>: Do you think the benefits of the guidelines might be offset by the time that it took?

   《国际循环》:  您认为从指南中的获益有可能抵消它从提出到应用于临床所耽搁的时间吗?

    Prof. Stone: I don’t see any negatives at all. I am interested in what is best for the patient and I am also interested in allowing the clinician to be fully informed as to the nature and details of the guidelines that he or she is going to use in their clinical practice. To take some additional time to make that more clear is certainly worth it.

    Stone教授:  我没有看到任何不良结果。我对于什么是最适合病人的非常感兴趣,同样,我对于如何使临床医生如何充分了解有关未来的信息及他/她将来在临床实践中所要应用的指南的细节也可非常感兴趣。花费一些额外的时间使其更清晰是非常值得的。

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