There are now several studies that show that from a safety perspective that catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation can be performed with a very low incidence of the major complications. So again from a efficacy perspective and even in multi-center studies, we see good outcomes. What we are seeing in all of the major studies is if you look at one year outcomes, ablation clearly outperforms anti-arrhythmic drugs. There are a few caveats to this. Number one is that most of these studies are in patients who have already failed using one anti-arrhythmic drug so the likelihood of them maintaining sinus rhythm with a second drug is already low. Therefore, the fact that ablation works much better is in part a reflection of the fact that drugs in general do not work very well. The second caveat is that while this is certainly true at one year, the long-term results are less clear. Several studies have shown that even if you have success after ablation at the end of one year, if you follow these patients out further-two years, three years, four years-you start seeing an attrition rate. Regardless, it is still better than anti-arrhythmic drugs.
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