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[AHA2010]AHA主席畅谈大会亮点和卒中预防——Ralph L Sacco教授专访

作者:RalphLSacco 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/11/17 15:18:01 关键字:卒中预防 房颤 阿司匹林 R. L.Sacco教授 

  <International Circulation >:How can the 2020 Impact Goals be achieved?

  Dr Sacco:  I think the key to achieving the 2020 goals is incrementally working towards ideal health.  We are going to tackle this through mass prevention campaigns, improving evidence-based approaches for prevention among healthcare providers, and advocating for healthy public policies.    The American Heart Association will partner with other organizations and work with federal and state policy programs to improve prevention, increased menu labeling, reduced sodium consumption, and increased physical activity.  We have a whole new “healthier behavior” platform that we are working on that will combine diet and physical activity together as a big promotion piece for improving the health of all Americans, and we hope this will help translate into improving health in multiple communities and nations.


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用户:hshihong 时间:2010/11/28 22:39:56
拒吸烟不容缓,防肥胖不畏难, 管住嘴不要馋,迈开腿不要懒, 好心态不要烦,好身体需要管!


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