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[AHA2010]AHA主席畅谈大会亮点和卒中预防——Ralph L Sacco教授专访

作者:RalphLSacco 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/11/17 15:18:01 关键字:卒中预防 房颤 阿司匹林 R. L.Sacco教授 

  <International Circulation >: 2020 being the end-goal for all of those incremental steps, this is 2010 and what is the first step today?

  Dr Sacco:  The first step that we have launched is an awareness campaign to get people to know their own level of cardiovascular health.  First we have defined ‘ideal health’, so people can go online and calculate where they are on the ideal cardiovascular health scale; we call this “My Life Check”.  It has been translated into a few languages, but I do not know if we have a Chinese versions yet . At mylifecheck.org Americans and others can go and fill out their information and find out where they are on this ideal cardiovascular health scale.  And the next step, depending on where they may rank, is to get information about how they can shift their health and improve their health in one of those seven factors.  We call them “Life’s Simple 7”.


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用户:hshihong 时间:2010/11/28 22:39:56
拒吸烟不容缓,防肥胖不畏难, 管住嘴不要馋,迈开腿不要懒, 好心态不要烦,好身体需要管!


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